PT Mowilex Indonesia participates in supporting the government in implementing LSSR during the COVID-19 Handlin
- PT Mowilex Indonesia received a direct visit from the Head of Department of Labor and Transmigration of DKI Jakarta, Andri Yansyah regarding the implementation of the COVID-19 Health Handling protocol in the work environment.
- PT Mowilex received a permit from the Ministry of Industry because it has implemented the Regulation of the Governor of DKI Jakarta Number 33 Year 2020 regarding the Implementation of LSSR in COVID-19 Handling in DKI Jakarta Province.
Jakarta, April 17, 2020 – The Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta, began implementing Large-Scale Social Restrictions (LSSR) in various sectors as of April 10, 2020. This is to suppress the spread of the coronavirus. The limitation applies only to 11 industrial sectors, based on Governor Regulation (Pergub) Number 33 Year 2020 Article 10. The first sector is the health sector, then there is the food sector, food and beverage, energy sector, communication sector, financial and banking sector, logistics and distribution sector, daily necessities sector, strategic industry sector, construction, public utilities, industry which are determined as national vital objects and certain objects. Department of Labor, Transmigration, and Energy of DKI Jakarta explained that it will close down companies that violated the LSSR protocol for COVID-19 handling.
PT Mowilex Indonesia received a direct visit from the Head of Department of Labor and Transmigration of DKI Jakarta, Andri Yansyah accompanied by the Head of West Jakarta Sub-dept. of Labor, Transmigration, and Energy, Ahmad Ya’la and the Head of West Jakarta Municipal Police, Tamo Sijabat. In the context of inspection in office and warehouse area of PT Mowilex Indonesia.
Since the issuance of Governor Regulation No. 33/2020 on the Implementation of LSSR in COVID-19 Handling in DKI Jakarta Province, PT Mowilex Indonesia has implemented the Governor’s Regulation and made strict protocols that must be obeyed such as; employees who want to enter the room are checked for body temperature, wearing masks, washing hands and limiting the number of employees present to only 50 percent. Not only that, in the production department, employees are also subjected to physical distancing( keeping distance between employees), disinfectant spraying in spaces dense of interaction such as security posts, busy spot areas in the work environment, as well as entrances through disinfecting booths at entrances, and the application of reduced working hours.
As said by the Head of Department of Labor and Transmigration of DKI Jakarta, Andri Yansyah “I really appreciate PT Mowilex for implementing health protocols to prevent and break the chain of COVID-19 distribution,” he said. “This company has gained the trust of the Ministry of Industry to continue operating. So please maintain the trust that has been given, “he added.
At the same time, PT Mowilex Indonesia’s Employee Service and Benefit Manager, Prabowo Wicaksono said, in addition to the implementation of Working From Home, they also took COVID-19 mitigation measures, such as campaigns for body temperature measurement, physical distancing, disinfectant spraying, prohibiting employees from carrying out business trips, providing supplements, and lunch to avoid frequent interaction with others.
The trust which has been given by the Ministry of Industry will always be maintained and Mowilex will continue to implement LSSR in COVID-19 Handling until the regulation is revoked by the Governor of DKI.
About Mowilex
Mowilex is a premium paint brand that has been produced in Indonesia since 1970. Products from PT Mowilex are used in various commercial buildings, hotels, apartments, and housing, and are well-known for being easy to use and have a high quality.
Mowilex has been awarded as the First Winner of the Word of Mouth Marketing Award – Decorative Paint Category 2009, 2011, and 2013, The First Champion Indonesia Original Brand 2014, The First Champion Indonesia Original Brand Category Exterior Paint 2019.
PT Mowilex Indonesia was also the first manufacturing company in Indonesia to be a certified Carbon Neutral in 2019. In the same year, it was awarded the Singapore Green Label certificate for 5 superior products. In the early 2020, Mowilex received a Green Label Indonesia certificate with a GOLD rating and had the highest rating for that category, for 5 professional products.