
Letter from our CEO

Dear valued employees, customers, neighbors, and concerned citizens,


Like many of you, PT Mowilex is monitoring the spread and risk-impact from COVID-19 (coronavirus) in Indonesia and around the world. Let us be clear that what we face is first and foremost a public health crisis. Our thoughts are with those who have been directly affected or lost loved ones, as well as the many communities in which we operate and serve. Also, we stand united with the rest of Indonesia to support the healthcare workers who are battling this virus daily.


Over the course of our 50-year history, we have on many occasions faced turbulent markets and difficult times. Yet, we have always managed to navigate the risks, and serve our clients without compromising quality, exposing our employees to undue safety risks or reducing our commitment to be the environmental leader in our market.


We maintain that commitment today.


Serving over 3,000 outlets and responsible for a workforce of over 1,000 men and women, we began formulating a business continuity and safety plan in mid-February. By 16 March, our management had already devised a comprehensive plan and response with two key objectives to: first, assure worker-safety, and second, maintain business continuity.


We have had to make numerous adjustments to our business processes and policies and will have to continually reevaluate our response in order to assure our key objectives are met.


Many of the adjustments we made were solely for the safety of our employees and their families. These include everything from mandatory use of protective gear, manufacturing our own personal sanitizers when none were available in the market, quarantine rules, to investing in technology allowing our professional staff to work remotely. For more information about our response to date, please visit Stay Safe at Work page.


Although a significant portion of our professional employees and factory workforce have had their work schedules reduced, we continue to pay them full salaries at this time.


On 15 April the Ministry of Labour (Head of Labour of Jakarta Province) inspected our key facilities in Jakarta and gave us the highest marks for our efforts to combat and stop the transmission of the virus, granting us a permit to continue to operate with a limited workforce. We are grateful for their consideration and value their trust, stemming from our demonstrated actions to date.


I am confident that our management team, our professional and science-based approach to solving problems and risks, and our ethical and contemporary methods to meet the challenges ahead will produce the best possible outcomes for our customers and employees. However, given the magnitude of the impact globally, we anticipate some disruptions in our ability to supply our customers with the full suite of our product offerings. The supply chain upstream from us remains a challenge as raw material producers have also been impacted.


I am also extremely proud to inform you that Mowilex, our employees and our parent company Asia Coatings Enterprises have made financial donations to purchase more than 26,000 PPEs for healthcare facilities in our community. Furthermore, PT Mowilex has supported its surrounding community with donations of staple foods (“sembako”), helping those negatively impacted.


Please know that we’re doing all we can to ensure the safety of our workforce, and to continue to serve customers who have trusted Mowilex. We’re driven by that trust, and guided by our mission and commitment to employees, customers, communities, and stakeholders around Indonesia.



Jakarta, 15 April 2020
Niko Safavi,
President Director, CEO